Sunday, September 18, 2011


Posting this from my phone in bed. Forgive how short it is.

I had another surgery on Monday, September 12th at 7:30 AM. Dopey has been strick about sleeping at the end of my bed from the moment I came home.

Doesn't he look adorable?!


Sunday, September 11, 2011


"Today, as we mark the tenth anniversar­y of the September 11th 2001 attacks on New York and Washington DC, let us remember all the innocent lives lost and ponder the continuing impact of that tragic day. September 11th reminds us of the horror we human beings can unleash on ourselves when we allow our human intelligen­ce and powerful technology to be overtaken by hatred.

We need to learn from our painful memories of September 11th and become more aware of the destructiv­e consequenc­es that arise when we give in to feelings of hatred. This tragedy in particular has reinforced my belief that fostering a spirit of peaceful co-existen­ce and mutual understand­ing among the world’s peoples and faith traditions is an urgent matter of importance to us all. We must therefore make every effort to ensure that our various faith traditions contribute to build a more caring, peaceful world."

The Dalai Lama
September 9, 2011